Five things from the future
I wish were a reality now

  1. Self-driving cars: I cannot wait for this to happen!! Mainly because I just hate being in traffic (and despite what Cord says, I don’t actually think driving is that much fun). Right now I use my driving time to listen to country music radio/podcasts (Serial!)/audiobooks, but once cars actually drive themselves, we’ll be able to actually read in the car. Or sleep. It sounds so wonderful.
  2. Clothes that change color: I want clothes and shoes that change color. Especially shoes. The worst feeling in the world is when you find new shoes you love and have to decide whether to get them in black, gold, or nude (or hot pink… ;)) How cool would it be if you had just one pair of heels that could change to match whatever outfit you were wearing with the press of a button?!
  3. Hyperloop train: I love traveling, but right now international travel costs a lot and takes a long time. I can’t wait for the day that we’ll be able to travel from New York to Europe in just a couple of hours by train, under the Atlantic! Who knows, then maybe we will actually get to go to Paris for a casual dinner, the way my characters do in The Thousandth Floor.
  4. Eris’s beauty tools: I hate blow-drying my hair. Magic hairstyler please! Why hasn’t this been invented yet?
  5. Travel to the moon: I would totally vacation on the moon. Mainly so I could float around and do yoga in zero gravity. Also, the views of earth would be INCREDIBLE!

But the number one thing I can’t wait for from the future is the release of The Thousandth Floor in less than a month… on August 30, 2016!!


The original super-closet, obviously.

The original super-closet, obviously.



A sketch of the possible Hyperloop to London!!

A sketch of the possible Hyperloop to London!!